Author Guidelines

Submission Preparation Checklist: 

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it under consideration for another journal/publication.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is double-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining; and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

The JBA publishes original material in functional as well as support areas of business. It is devoted to the extension and further development of the theory and practice of business and management.

The following list provides a quick reference for you to follow during your submission and manuscript review process.

  1. Manuscripts to be considered for publication must be original. Papers accepted or published elsewhere must not be submitted to JBA.
  2. Papers submitted should NOT be under concurrent consideration at another journal/publication.
  3. Author/s are requested to register online at the journal website ( and submit the manuscripts online.
  4. Alternatively, all new manuscripts should be submitted electronically to the Journal of Business Administration at the following email:
  5. Manuscripts must be submitted using Microsoft Word format in English.
  6. The length of the manuscript should not exceed 20 typed pages (including annexure and reference). The pages should be numbered consecutively.
  7. Manuscripts should be typed in a 12-point, Times New Roman font and should be double spaced (excepting the abstract) with 1 (one) inch (2.54 centimetres) margins on all sides.
  8. The first page of the manuscript should contain the title (not be more than 15 words) along with the name of the author, designation, organization, phone number, and e-mail address. In case of joint authorship, correspondence will be sent to the first name author, unless otherwise indicated.
  9. The second page should contain the title and an abstract of not more than 150 words. A list of not more than eight key words or short phrases, along with their JEL codes (check for reference), and excluding words used in the title and chosen carefully to reflect the precise content of the paper should follow the abstract. Both the abstract and the key words should be italicized and single spaced. This page should not contain the author’s name.
  10. The main paper should begin on the third page and should not relist the title or the author(s). The article should be divided into sections and subsections to aid readability. Section headings should be bold in all capital letters (font size – 14) while subsections should be bold in upper lowercases (font size - 14) for example,

                         3.1 Research Design

                         3.2 Sampling Procedure

  1. All Tables and figures should have explanatory headings and should be numbered consecutively in accordance with their appearance in the text. Footnotes to tables should be placed below the table body and indicated with superscript lowercase letters. Data presented in a table should ideally not be repeated in the form of a figure.
  2. Equations should be referenced by consecutive numbering throughout the text, on the right hand side of the page, using (1), (2), etc.
  3. Giving proper credit to the sources of original ideas and previous work is an important aspect of good scholarship. Citations should be made in the text by mentioning the authors’ last names and year of publication as in the following examples-
    1. Ahmed (1977) states that ------
    2. Further evidence is provided by Smith (1994) ---
    3. The model indicates a lateral increase (Smith & James, 1989)
  4. References should be included in alphabetical order of the authors’ last names in a list at the end of the article. JBA follows the standard APA (American Psychological Association) 7 referencing style. Some examples are represented below in the following order - journals, books, chapter in edited books, monographs, conference papers, and unpublished reports.

Bloomer, G., & Wright, A. (1984). Scheduling or Vehicles from Factory to Depot. Operations Research, 12(1), 590-598.

Brown, R.C.P. (1992). Public Debt and Private Wealth: Debt Capital Flight and the IMF in Sudan. McMillan, London and Basingstoke.

Dantzig, G.B. (1951). Activity Analysis of production and Allocation. Cowls Commission Monograph, No. 13. Wiley, London.

Rahman, R.A. (1990). Impact of Information Technology on Human Society and Options for Developing Countries. In Rahman. R.A.(Ed.) Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Technology. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp. 24-28.

Quaderi, S. (1986). Marketing of Services in Bangladesh: The present Trend. Unpublished research paper. University of Dhaka.

  1. Proper source should be mentioned for data taken from any other publication.
  2. The responsibility for opinions in the articles, studies and other contributions rests entirely on their authors. Publication does not necessarily constitute endorsement by the JBA of the opinions expressed therein.
  3. Submitted papers are initially screened by the Editorial Board. Papers appropriate for consideration will go through independent blind reviews.
  4. Articles are accepted for publication on the condition that they are subject to editorial revision. Manuscripts requiring extensive editorial work will be returned to the author for modification. The authors are required to submit an electronic copy of the accepted paper along with necessary correction/modification/editing.
  5. Once the paper is accepted for publishing in the journal, the copyright of the paper will be reserved by the Institute of Business Administration. The author(s) must obtain written permission from the Center for Management Research and Publications (CMRP) of IBA, University of Dhaka for publishing the article elsewhere.
  6. Two copies of the Journal will be delivered to the author(s) free of charge.
  7. For all submitted articles, it will be assumed that the author(s) has gone through this guideline and all of the policies stated above are complied.

Please be informed that your contact details may be used to send updates about future programs, publications, and events from JBA or IBA. The Journal is committed to protect your personal information.